
Dental Veneers

Veneers were originally invented to temporarily change the appearance of actors’ teeth for the movie industry, but they have gained popularity as quick and more permanent dental esthetic improvements.

The use of veneers is a possible alternative solution for a number of cosmetic dental concerns.

  • Badly stained teeth that are unreceptive to teeth whitening can be color corrected by veneers.
  • Chipped teeth and those worn down by time and use can be repaired by veneers rather than bonding or crowns.
  • Misshapen teeth can be veneered rather than contoured.
  • Slightly misaligned or uneven teeth can be relatively quickly covered with veneers instead of undergoing lengthy orthodontic treatment.
  • Gaps can be covered by the use of veneers rather than being bonded.

It is important to discuss your cosmetic dental goals, dental and medical history with your dentist to find out the various options available to you and if you are a good candidate for veneers.

Dental veneers are available in two materials, each with their benefits and disadvantages.

  • Porcelain veneers are relatively durable, resistant to staining, and can mimic the look of natural teeth in color and light reflectivity.
  • Composite resin veneers can be adhered with less of the natural tooth enamel needing to be removed.

The procedure to adhere veneers requires a layer of tooth enamel to be removed, so the use of veneers is considered non-reversible. However, if adhered correctly and taken

Dental Teeth Whitening

Do you wish your smile was brighter? There are numerous causes of tooth discoloration, ranging from food stains to physical trauma, but in-office teeth whitening might be just what you need to restore the color of your teeth. Your dentist can examine your teeth and determine the root cause of your tooth discoloration and discuss the options available to correct it.

At Denté Care Center, we trust Opalescence® Boost to whiten patients’ teeth. Opalescence® Boost receives fantastic reviews from dentists and patients alike for its immediate noticeable results. This award-winning, American-made product uses hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth without the use of lights or lasers.

Despite the concern that whitening will strip the enamel from your teeth, Opalescence® Boost contains potassium nitrate and fluoride which may actually improve the overall health of your teeth. The potassium nitrate reduces sensitivity in your teeth, while fluoride strengthens the enamel.

The hydrogen peroxide works to remove external staining caused by various foods and drinks, tobacco, and poor dental hygiene, etc. And it may also be used as a conservative option versus crowns and veneers for treating internally discolored teeth.