
Dental Braces

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry which specializes in correcting the position of teeth and jaws to achieve straight teeth and a proper bite. Orthodontics can help you achieve greater confidence, clearer speech, better hygiene, an improved profile, and of course a straighter smile.

To achieve these results, orthodontists most often use dental braces. With many options, including ceramic braces, lingual braces, and products such as Invisalign®, traditional metal braces are still the most common type of dental braces used. With traditional braces, metal brackets are cemented onto the front sides of your teeth. A metal wire is then secured to the brackets using rubber bands. This wire exerts constant pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into proper alignment. At monthly visits, the wire is replaced to progress the gradual movement. Because of this pressure, your teeth might hurt for some days after your adjustment; however, this pain should subside in just a short time. While your braces are installed, take extra care to properly brush and floss your teeth, under the wire and around the brackets. With regular monthly adjustments, the average treatment time for traditional braces is two years. After this time, the braces will be removed and you will be fit for retainers. Your orthodontist will instruct you about how often you should wear your retainers, but you should expect to, at least occasionally, wear your retainers over the course of your lifetime to ensure that your teeth will maintain their proper positioning.

An orthodontic consultation with your orthodontist/dentist can happen at any time to discuss your goals for a straight bite and smile. During a consultation, you and your orthodontist can discuss any issues with crooked teeth, an over- or under-bite, overcrowding or extra spaces, etc. Your orthodontist can develop an orthodontic treatment plan, which may include braces, spacers, rubber bands, headgear, etc. Patients from age seven and up can and should ask for an orthodontic consultation if they desire an improved bite and smile.


What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a premium clear dental aligner system that serves an alternative to conventional braces.


Does Invisalign® really work?

Invisalign® has straightened the teeth of over three million satisfied patients since 1997.


How does Invisalign® work?

If you and your orthodontist decide that Invisalign® is the right orthodontic solution for you, an impression of your teeth will be taken. From this impression, a treatment plan will be devised, and a ClinCheck will be created. The ClinCheck is a 3-D animation from start to finish. This allows you to see simulated progress of your changing tooth alignment over the course of your Invisalign® treatment. If you and your orthodontist approve the ClinCheck, then your trays will be made. Once your trays are ready, your dentist will place small tooth colored attachments on some of your teeth. These attachments help pinpoint some areas of movement. You will be advised to wear each tray for about two weeks. After about two weeks, you change to the next tray. You and your dentist will discuss how often you should come in to the clinic to check on your progress.


How long does it take?

From the time the aligners are delivered, most Invisalign® treatments last about 13-14 months, which varies depending on the patient’s case.


Why should I choose Invisalign® over conventional braces?

The first and most obvious answer is that patients choose Invisalign® over conventional braces because they are clear and metal free. Patients like that while wearing aligners, Invisalign® is virtually unnoticeable. Some patients are also concerned about the metal in their dental work. Invisalign provides a tooth straightening solution that is metal-free.

Invisalign® is removable. Invisalign® aligners should be removed to floss, brush, and eat. Since you can remove the aligners while eating, you don’t have to worry about avoiding sticky or hard food that might break or detach the brackets of conventional braces. It’s easier to maintain good dental hygiene since there are no brackets to brush around nor wires to thread through to floss under.

Invisalign® is smooth and comfortable. Invisalign® is made of a smooth plastic that is molded to the shape of your teeth. There are no rough brackets to cut or irritate your mouth. There are no wires that might poke.


I’m interested. How can I learn more about Invisalign®?

We’re happy to discuss Invisalign® as an option for you and encourage you to set up an appointment to come into the clinic for a consultation.