Root Canal Treatment – What You Need to Know

Root Canal Treatment or RCT.  This is a dental treatment done for patients that have severe or badly decayed tooth and the root canal/s has or have infection or inflammation. The procedure is done carefully by an endodontist. This involves removing of the infected pulp and cleaning and disinfecting the root canals.

Why is root canal treatment important: RCT is done to get rid of the bacterial infection of the tooth. This is also important to prevent future reinfections.

How long is the procedure: Root Canal Treatment is a tedious and long procedure, it would take 1 to 2 hours.

Root Canal Treatment Stages Explained: (Steps you need to understand with this dental treatment)

Once you have toothache, you must visit your dentist/endodontist immediately. Xray will be done at the dental clinic which will be assessed by the endodontist. Through Xray, it will be determined if the tooth needs root canal treatment.

A: Extirpation: Initial cleaning of the tooth to get rid of the bacterial infection. This is by removing of the infected pulp. The endodontist will make a small opening on top of the tooth to clean the root canal using files.

  1. The tooth is then rinsed with an antibacterial solution to eliminate the bacterial infection.
  2. Intra-Canal Medication is left inside the tooth
  3. Closing the tooth with a temporary filling

There will still be soreness in the next 24 hours.

After 1 – 2 weeks you will have to revisit the endodontist for the next stage of the root canal treatment.

 B. Instrumentation: The endodontist will reopen the tooth for a thorough cleaning/disinfecting and reshaping of the root canal. This is important to eliminate remaining bacteria and infection of the root canals.

Once the endodontist confirms the length of the root canal and the infection is under control, then it would proceed to the next stage which is obturation.

 C. Obturation or Filling the root canal: The endodontist shall now irrigate the medicine inside the tooth. Earlier in stage 2, the length of the root canal was measured. Using the right length Gutta Percha, this is heated and used to seal the root canals.

Once the GUTTA PERCHA is in place, the tooth will be closed again with a permanent filling or crown.

What are the common signs and symptoms that I need RCT?

  • Abscess or pus coming out from the gums
  • High tooth sensitivity to hot and cold drinks
  • Pain is triggered by different factors other than just eating and drinking
  • Discomfort and severe soreness to a specific tooth

What if I don’t want root canal treatment? Can I just have tooth extraction?

Yes, but Root Canal Treatment would be a great solution for severe pain and discomfort and most importantly to save your tooth. Extraction would be pulling out your tooth and you will have extra space that may require implant, denture or bridge.

Hope that this article has helped you understand the importance of Root Canal Treatment or RCT. Dente’ Care Center wants to provide you the best dental treatment and oral health education.
