Gum Disease – What you need to know:

Gum Disease is a serious gum infection that can damage the soft tissue and bone that supports teeth. This can also permanent tooth loss in adults. Sometimes, it is painless that you may not know it until you visit your dentist. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis while the advances gum disease…

Root Canal Treatment – What You Need to Know

Root Canal Treatment or RCT.  This is a dental treatment done for patients that have severe or badly decayed tooth and the root canal/s has or have infection or inflammation. The procedure is done carefully by an endodontist. This involves removing of the infected pulp and cleaning and disinfecting the root canals. Why is root…

Dental Emergencies

Dental injuries or Accidents can happen and most often are unavoidable. The first thing that you would do is call your dentist or anyone for a quick emergency dental care. Instead of panicking, here are a few tips that you can do when there’s no immediate dentist available. Toothache: Pain killers can be taken immediately….

Dental Patient Anxiety

 Relieving Patient Anxiety and Fear in Dental Clinics Glowing and healthy teeth is essential to wearing a beautiful and good smile. This is the most important physical feature. In order to achieve this beautiful smile, it is important to maintain good/proper dental care. Proper preventive dental care for children is also needed to prevent various…

Clear Aligners | Dente’ Care Center

Clear Aligner is a new dental procedure found to straighten teeth. Same as the traditional braces, with Invisalign you can get the smile you’ve always wanted with the help of trusted and licensed dentist. Clear aligner is also known for other terms such as Orthero or Invisalign. Here are common questions that you may ask…

10 Reasons to Get a Dental Implant

If you are missing a tooth, then you might have considered getting a dental implant. Dental implants are the most conservative approach to filling a gap in your teeth. Here are ten reasons why you won’t regret deciding upon a dental implant.  You’ll be healthier. Often, people who are missing teeth cannot chew properly and…

What Great Leaders do?

What is leadership and what exactly great leaders do?   Dr. Jan Michael D. Dacles is not only an excellent dentist, but also a great leader. Dr. Dacles was inducted last July 2020 at Stonehill Suites as PDA Bacolod City Chapter President along with his officers.  Dente’ Care Center is proud to present to you…

Planning a Dental Tourism Trip

The number of patients going abroad for dental treatments is constantly increasing. In an effort to avoid the high cost of dental services in their own countries, patients are traveling around the globe for treatment at a fraction of the cost with a vacation included. There are plenty of medical tourism agencies that can facilitate…