Dental Veneers For A Better Smile

Enhance your beautiful smile with dental veneers.

A lot are very conscious when it comes to smiling. This is due to various factors that make someone uncomfortable or unhappy. It could be because of heavily stained teeth, chipped or crooked.

If you want to improve your smile, Dental Veneers can be the perfect solution. This can rebuild a natural looking smile and boost your confidence.

Dental Veneers are usually made of porcelain or composite resin.

Here are the different type of Dental Veneers used in Dente’ Care Center:

Porcelain Veneers:

There’s a certain preparation for using porcelain veneers. Dentists will grind down teeth, make impression, then create a mold. The mold will be sent to the dental lab where porcelain veneers are made. You will also need to choose the color of the dental veneers using the teeth shade guide. Dentists will usually recommend the color that will suit your features.

Since teeth were grinded in preparation for the actual dental veneers, temporary veneers will be used until the permanent ones are ready at the dental clinic.

It will take 7-10 days to make the dental veneers. Once it is ready, it will be sent back to the dental clinic. The veneers will be placed on your prepared teeth, and will be cemented.

Composite Resin:

Using the composite resin material, the dentist will etch the surface of the teeth where veneers will be applied to. After the etch, a thin layer of the composite material will be applied to the prepared tooth.

Depending on the look of the veneers, additional layers may be applied to achieve the desired look of the veneer. Once the composite resin look is achieved, the dentist will finish by hardening or curing the composite veneer.


Porcelain veneers are more expensive than composite resin veneers. However, porcelain veneers are stronger and long lasting and less likely to stain. On the other hand, composite resin may be preferred as it is way cheaper than porcelain. However, it is not as strong as porcelain. It can also be damaged easily if not properly taken care of.


Whether you decide porcelain or composite resin, it is still best to take extra care for your veneers. With proper dental care, dental veneers can last a very long time.

  • Never chew on hard objects like ice, pens, fingernails and others.
  • Never use teeth in opening packaging.
  • Never use front teeth with veneers for chewing. Cut chewy foods into small pieces and use back teeth to chew.
  • If you are grinding, make sure to ask your dentist for a night guard especially when sleeping to protect dental veneers.